
Call out to God..

I am completely torn.
Or confused.
Or both.
Where is God needing me most?
Whats in His plans?
What's in His will?
I don't feel peaceful when I think about it. I feel excited. Because hello, it's Australia
But Mexico...
I feel calm about Mexico.
Anxious, but calm.
Aussie-two months.
Mexico-one week.
Aussie- 5 grand.

throw the money out.
the time, the places.
where does God have me planned to go?
where do i have me planned to go?
I'm feeling Mexico.
i want Aussie.
i guess that answers my question..

but I'm still confused.
probably because I'm making myself.
So dear God.....I need your help!
I need your help realizing where to go!
Where do You have me planned to go?

I guess I need some prayers for direction.
Thank you.

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